Ingress Wiki

Pressing the Prime-OPS-Main OPS-menu button in the bottom center of the Scanner opens up the main menu screen while holding it opens a quick access OPS menu. The former contains the following buttons leading to various parts of the Scanner:


Scanner OPS quick access menu.


Scanner OPS menu screen.

Prime-Inventory-Button Inventory[]

Main article: Inventory

The Inventory-screen, which can also be accessed via the OPS quick access menu, contains all the items the Agent currently owns with the exception of the Store-tap and is structured as follows:

• Items Prime-Inventory-ButtonIcon
• Store
• Boosts
• ApexsApex
• Fireworks Firework
• Beacons Beacon
• Lockers Key Locker
• Capsules Capsule
• Weapons
• Cubes
• Mods
• Turrets Turret
• Link Amps Link Amp

Prime-Attack-Button Attack[]

Opening the Attack-menu shows a carousel menu at the bottom of the Scanner that contains all of the Agent's Hyper- and Power Cubes Power Cube followed by all their Weapons, all of which can be used/fired directly from that menu.

Prime-COMM-Button COMM[]

Main article: COMM

The COMMs are the main way for Agents to receive information and communicate with one another. The radius of which activity information and Agent messages should be displayed can be varied via a slider at the top which can be set to the ranges from 5km over 10km, 20km, 50km, 100km, 200km, 500km to a maximum of 1000km from the Agents current position. Only the NEWS-tap is not affected by the range setting.
COMMs themselves are subdivided into the following taps:

which shows many of the actions of other Agents like Portals being captured or neutralized, Links and Control Fields Δ being created, Frackers, Fireworks Firework, Beacons Beacon and Battle Beacons Battle Beacon being deployed, the conclusion of Battle Beacons Battle Beacon as well as Drones being forcefully returned to their Agent. Sometimes the destruction of Links is also announced but it appears that this is only the case if the associated Portal was turned using a JARVIS Virus JARVIS Virus or ADA Refactor ADA Refactor.
which similar to ACTIVITIES shows Agents' actions but only if it affects the Agent at hand. The main difference being that here the Agent is also notified if one of their Resonators Resonator was damaged.
which itself is subdivided into a Faction- and a Cross-Faction-section and allows Agents to communicate with messages of up to 256 characters in length.
which contains announcements about Events among a whole host of other information.

Prime-Missions-Button Missions[]

Main article: Mission

The Missions-screen displays a list of missions within a 7.5 km radius of the Agents position. Missions can be created by all Agents Level 7+ using the Ingress Mission Creator Tool and completing them adds the mission's icon to a list of completed missions below the earned medals and badges (and above the stats) on the Agent's in-Scanner profile.

Prime-Scores-Button Scores[]

Main article: Metrics
Prime Globe

Global Scores-globe.

When pressing the Scores-button the Scanner opens a display which shows the Faction-scores at the lastet Checkpoint. The display is divided in two taps: REGIONAL and GLOBAL, which can be switched between at the very bottom of the screen.
The REGIONAL-tap is opened by default and displays the Faction-scores in the current Cell at the latest Checkpoint. At the very top of the screen you find the Cell's designation followed by the current Cycle and just below that the scores at the latest Checkpoint.
On the left side below the scores is a list of the TOP 3 AGENTS of the current Cycle in the Cell. This list is Cross-faction but can be expanded to show a list of the (50) Top Agents (of the current Cycle in the Cell) from each Faction separately. Below the scores and behind the TOP 3 AGENTS-list is an unlabelled terrain map of the Cell and its surroundings in which the current Cell is enclosed in an orange square which becomes more distorted with increasing distance to the equator as the Scanner uses the Mercator projection.
In the bottom half of the screen you have a timeline showing the relative scores in the current Cell at the past Checkpoints of the current Cycle, the time to the upcoming Checkpoint and the time left in the current Cycle.
At the bottom of the screen there are two buttons, HISTORY, which lets you view the final scores of the up to 30 latest Cycles in the Cell, and OTHER CELLS, which allows you to access the REGIONAL-taps of the eight adjacent Cells.
The GLOBAL-tap shows (as the name suggests) Global Scores at the latest Checkpoint. At the very top of the screen you find the designation of the current Cycle and just below that the scores at the latest Checkpoint.
Below the scores is a rotating globe which displays a rough estimation of the global Links and Control Fields Δ using dots.
In the bottom half of the screen you have a timeline showing the relative scores at the past Checkpoints of the current Cycle, the time to the upcoming Checkpoint and the time left in the current Cycle.
At the bottom of the screen there is the HISTORY-button, which lets you view the final Global Scores of the up to 30 latest Cycles.

Prime-AgentOps-Button Agent Ops[]

Main article: Agent Ops

(To be added)

Prime-Dronenet-Button Dronenet[]

Main article: Dronenet

The Dronenet gives Agents access to a Drone which can be send to a nearby Portal and subsequently be moved short distances from Portal to Portal. It usually has to cooldown for 60 minutes after each move (although this time can get greatly reduced during certain Events) and can move to any Portal within a ~600m radius of its current location, in extremely rare cases moves of ~700m have been possible. Once the Drone is ready to move a (red dot) will appear within the OPS menu-button Prime-OPS-Main (Ready) as well as next to the Dronenet-button and will stay next to the latter until the Drone is moved. The Drone can be used to hack/Glyph hack the Portals it is deployed on and can be moved to any Portal regardless of their alignment but will be returned to the Agent if recalled or forcefully, if the Portal's alignment changes. The normal rules of hacking and Glyph hacking also apply to Drone-hacking and Drone-Hacks also effect and are subject to a Portal's Cooldown and Burnout, but Drones can only hack a Portal once per move and are unable to acquire Portal Keys Portal Key.

Prime-Store-Button Store[]

Main article: Store

The Store allows Agents to buy certain Items, Boosts and Beacons (among others) and well as Chaotic Matter Units CMU, the latter being offered in exchange for official national currency and required to be exchanged to buy the former.
The Store is divided into the following sections:

which allows Agents to buy a C.O.R.E. Subscription,
Agent Avatars,
which allows Agents to buy various Avatars for use on their Scanner,
Limited-Time Specials,
which can include everything from Badges to special Item-bundles,
Featured Items,
which usually only contains the option to buy ten Power Cubes Power Cube at the Agent's Level for Chaotic Matter Units 1 000 CMU but can also contain special Event-bundles etc.,
Temporary Boosts,
which includes ApexsApex and Portal Fracker Portal Fracker,
Loadout Kits,
which includes various Item-bundles,
which includes various Beacons Beacon, Fireworks Firework as well as Battle Beacons Rare Battle Beacon,
Chaotic Matter Units,
where Agents can buy various quantities of Chaotic Matter Units CMU and
where Agents can redeem valid Passcodes.

Settings Prime-Icon-Settings[]

(To be added)

Events Prime-Icon-Events[]

The Events-button links directly to the Ingress Events-web page.

Forums Prime-Icon-Forums[]

The Forums-button links directly to the Ingress Community Forums-web page.

Nominations Prime-Icon-Nominations[]

(To be added)

Campfire Prime-Icon-Campfire[]

Campfire, formerly called Niantic Social, is an instant text messaging social platform by Niantic Inc. It is integrated into the Scanner and available as a standalone app with restricted access in the Google Play- and Apple App Store.
The Scanner-integrated Campfire-screen has five taps:

• Ingress:
Default opening screen with a switch at the top center to display either of the two following options:
• Map (Tri-folded map-icon):
The Map-tap shows Agents their position and the surrounding area as well as the position of public groups.
• "Activities" (Three point list-icon):
The "Activities"-tag shows name of the Agents current location as well as a list of Nearby Groups with the option to join.
• Notifications (Bell-icon):
The Notifications-tap shows Agents when and where someone has @-mentioned them as well as various group- and other notifications.
• Messages (Speech bubble-icon):
The Messages-tap allows Agents to send/receive private direct messages to/from one another.
• Groups (Silhouette duo-icon):
The Groups-tap allows Agents to either join a pre-existing group or create their own one with a custom front image, group name and "Home Base"-location, which can be either public or private. Like Discord-servers these groups are divided into a number of text-channels Agents can use to communicate in. Groups can also be used to schedule Meetups.
• Profile (Circled custom profil picture):
The Profile-tap allows Agents to set a custom image as their profile-picture, display name, manage friends and friend-requests, blocked users as well as the visibility of their "Game Profiles" and activity status within Campfire.